
 Courses (postgraduate and others)
 Seminars and conferences 
 Direction of Degree Projects & Works 
 Teaching projects 
 Academic Management 



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Since I started my teaching activity at the University, in 1983, I have taught the following matters:

Physics 1st Physics (laboratory) UAB
  2nd Mechanics UAB
Biology 1st Physics (laboratory) UAB
Geology 1st Physics (laboratory) UAB
Mathematics 4th Mechanics UAB
Civil Engineering 1st Physics UPC
  1st Statics and Dynamics UPC
  2nd Advanced Physics (laboratory) UPC
Telecommunications Engineering 1st Calculus UPC
  1st Linear Algebra UPC
  1st Vector Analysis UPC
  1st Differential Equations UPC
  1st Linear Algebra and Differential Equations UPC
Physics Engineering & CFIS 1st Calculus II UPC
  4th General Relativity UPC
Mathematics 1st Calculus II UPC
  1st Differential Calculus UPC
  2nd Physics UPC
  2nd Integral Calculus UPC
  3rd Differential Geometry I UPC
  3rd Differential Geometry II UPC
  3rd Mathematical Models of Physics UPC
  4th Advanced Mathematical Models of Physics UPC

In particular, as a member of the Departments of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics IV, and Applied Mathematics and Telematics, I have taught the following matters:

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Courses (postgraduate and others)

  1. Curso sobre Relatividad Especial y General.
    Department of Applied Mathematics IV (UPC). (2007).

  2. k-symplectic formulation for field theories. An introduction to symmetries.
    CFIS, FME (UPC). (2013-2014).

  3. Conexiones y campos de jets.
    Department of Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria (UB). (1995).

  4. Acciones de grupos de Lie y reducción simpléctica.
    Department of Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria (UB). (1992).

  5. Introducción a la cuantización geométrica.
    Department of Theoretical Physics (UZ). (1991).
    Faculty of Mathematics (UB) and Faculty of Mathematics (UAB). (1991).

  6. Estudio geométrico de sistemas dinámicos.
    Department of Applied Mathematics and Telematics (UPC).
    (1990-1991 / 1991-1992 / 1992-1993 / 1994-1995).

  7. Realizaciones de grupos de Lie sobre variedades simplécticas.
    Department of Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria (UB). (1990).

  8. Introducción a la formulación simpléctica de la Mecánica.
    Department of Theoretical Physics (UB). (1985).

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Seminars and conferences

  1. "¡No! ¡la gravedad no es una fuerza! (Entendiendo la Relatividad General para explicársela a nuestras abuelas)".
    (III Congreso de Estudiantes de Matematicas COEMAT 3.14.).
    Facultad de Matemáticas (Univ. La Laguna). (2017).

  2. "Teoría de la Relatividad General: 100 años de las ecuaciones de Einstein de la Gravitación". (PDF)
  3. FME (UPC). (2015).
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Direction of Degree Projects (PFG) and Works (TFG)

  1. Marta Gabarró Solanas.
    Principios variacionales en Relatividad General: lagrangianas de Hilbert y de Palatini.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2021).

  2. Susana Rey Toro.
    Gravitational waves and new gravitational astronom.
    TFG Degree of Physics Engineering, ETSETB (2019).
    (Co-directed with Francesc Fayos Vallés).

  3. Ana Riera Torres.
    Transformaciones canónicas en sistemas hamiltonianos. Introducción a la teoría de Hamilton-Jacobi.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2017).

  4. Ilka Spasova Shosheva.
    Simetries. Quantitats conservades i el Teorema de Noether.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2016).

  5. Xavier Rivas Guijarro.
    Formulación Geométrica de las Teorías Gauge y de Yang-Mills.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2014).

  6. Jordi Páez Sánchez.
    Principios variacionales de orden superior y con funciones de varias variables.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2014).

  7. Marc Farré Costansa.
    Sistemes lagrangians i hamiltonians singulars. Algorisme de lligams de Dirac-Bergmann.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2014).

  8. Xavier Ramos Olivé.
    An introduction to General Relativity.
    TFG Degree of Mathematics, FME (2013).

  9. Rogelio Matute Ramos.
    Seguimiento de trayectorias planas por un brazo extensible mediante ecuaciones álgebro-diferenciales.
    PFC Telecomunications Engineering, ETSETB (1998).

  10. Diego López Sanz.
    Seguimiento de trayectorias planas por un brazo robótico articulado mediante ecuaciones álgebro-diferenciales.
    PFC Telecomunications Engineering, ETSETB (1997).
    (Co-directed with Miguel C. Muñoz Lecanda).

  11. Alex Olivé Alabart.
    Estudi de l'amplificador de dos transistors amb un sistema d'equacions diferencials singulars.
    PFC Telecomunications Engineering, ETSETB (1996).
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Teaching projects

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