Juanjo Rué Perna

¡¡¡¡¡ Welcome !!!!


Associate Professor at
U. Politècnica de Catalunya
Dep. of Mathematics
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

e-mail:  juan.jose.rue x upc.edu





NEWS: No news
Javier Cilleruelo, in memoriam 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PhD students

Clément Requilé (FU Berlin): PhD defended the 6.11.2017. Title of the thesis: Asymptotic study of regular planar graphs.

Christoph Spiegel (joint with Oriol Serra UPC). PhD defended the 3.07.2020. Title of the thesis: Additive structures and Randomness in Combinatorics.

Vasiliki Velona (joint with Gabor Lugosi UPF). PhD defended the 17.09.2021. Title of the thesis: A study on structure recovery and the broadcasting problem

Maximilian Wötzel (joint with Oriol Serra UPC). PhD defended the 26.02.2022. Title of the thesis: Probabilistic and extremal studies in Additive Combinatorics

Academic and professional information

* Bachelor degree (5 years) mathematics at FME, Degree (5 years) on telecommunication engineering at the ETSETB, under an intensive program offered by CFIS.

* Ph.D. on discrete mathematics on 09.2009, under the supervision of Professor Marc Noy. I have done several short scientific visits in Europe (Prague, Wien, ...) and a longer visiting research at the Discrete Mathematics Group at SFU, in Vancouver.

* 10.2009-09.2010 - CNRS postdoctoral fellow at LIX (Laboratorie d'Informatique) de l'Ecole Polytechnique, under the supervision of Gilles Schaeffer. I was supported by the ExploreMaps project. (ERC project), and in 2011 a guest in the team of Combinatorial modelisation of LIX (Laboratorie d'Informatique) de l'Ecole Polytechnique, and the team of Combinatoire of LIAFA.

* 10.2010-09.2013 - CSIC JAE-DOC postdoctoral fellow at ICMAT, in Madrid, under the supervision of Javier Cilleruelo. I have also been a teaching collaborator of the department of Mathematics of UAM.

* 09.2013-01.2016 Juniorprofessor (Professor-W1) in Discrete Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics (Combinatorics and Graph Theory Group) at Freie Universität Berlin, faculty member of the Berlin Mathematical School, and a junior faculty member of the DFG training network Methods for Discrete Structures. All this activity was done in the vibrant city of Berlin.

(Some) Past Activities Organized

EUROCOMB 2021, UPC Barcelona (09.2021)

2nd GAPCOMB Workshop, Montserrat, Catalunya (06.2021)

CIRM - Summer School on Random Trees and Graphs , CIRM, Marseille (06.2019)

The music of numbers, a conference in honour of Javier Cilleruelo, ICMAT, Madrid (09.2017)

BGSMath Monthly Program 'Random Discrete Structures and Beyond', Barcelona (May -June 2017)

Symposium Diskrete Mathematik FU Berlin (06.2016)

Barcelona Discrete Mathematics Days, Barcelona (07.2016)

Berlin-Poznan-Hamburg Seminar, FU Berlin (05.2015)

3-week BlockCourse: towards the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa Conjecture, FU Berlin (10.2014) Some photos

Clay Mathematical Summer School 2014: Periods and Motives, ICMAT, Madrid (07.2014)

Workshop Recent trends in Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics, ICMAT, Madrid (11.2013)

Young Workshop in Arithmetics and Combinatorics, ICMAT, Madrid (06.2011)

My books El arte de contar: Combinatoria y enumeración, Los números trascendentes and Ramanujan: La mente que quiso entender el infinito (also in French! See here and here) and Erdös: El impulsor de las matemática de la colaboración are available (also in French and Italian)!!!